This Tuesday, Trump released his “plans for peace” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This plan is little more than US backing for Israel to annex their internationally illegal settlements and huge swathes of the West Bank, in return for piecemeal concessions to the Palestinians.

Under this plan, Israel would seize 30% of the West Bank, and would be granted sovereignty over the entirety of Jerusalem. In return, Palestine would be offered small patches of the Negev desert, and a vague promise of financial investment.

This attempt has no chance of succeeding and is designed to turn attention away from Trump and Netenyahu’s domestic woes, with the two leaders being impeached and indicted for corruption respectively. It would destroy any hope of a two-state solution.

The UK Government needs to oppose this deal and continue to press for a genuine internationally-backed peace plan, which provides a viable Palestinian state alongside a secure Israeli one, based upon the 1967 borders.

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