Kerry McCarthy Labour MP for Bristol East
It was good to meet with Place2Be – the pioneers of #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek – at their parliamentary drop-in event this week. For over a decade the Government has failed to fix the widening cracks in service provision and as a result children’s mental health services are in crisis.
50% of mental health problems are established by age 14. Place2Be offer teacher training in counselling and much-needed support for children and parents. After accessing their services, 79% of children with severe difficulties show an improvement in mental health. Poor mental health can affect anyone, but issues are often compounded in low-income families. 46% of the children who Place2Be work with are on free school meals.
Charities shouldn’t have to support suicidal young people when the Government is so often failing to do so – but I am extremely grateful for those who do. I look forward to Place2Be hopefully expanding more in the South West so that children in Bristol can access their services too.