Kerry McCarthy Labour MP for Bristol East
I’m proud to join more than 45 cross-party MPs in signing this letter to the Work and Pensions Secretary, supporting Scope’s call to introduce the right to request an appropriate assessor. Disabled people shouldn’t have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to get the benefits they’re entitled to – as I said in my meeting with the DWP’s South West team last Friday. Far too many claims are rejected at the first hurdle, of which the vast majority succeed on appeal. This shows that something in the system needs fixing!
We also discussed the DWP’s controversial ‘Way to Work’ programme, how benefit sanctions are calculated, and how starting paid work (and coming off HB/ UC) can affect people’s ability to pay for supported housing. I also sought assurances about support available for benefit claimants who are struggling to pay their bills.
If you or anyone you know is having problems with the DWP, please don’t hesitate to email my office at and I’ll be happy to help.