I’m pleased to hear that the Council is investing in Stockwood, a part of my constituency which often feels overlooked, being some distance from the city centre. Stockwood will benefit from ongoing works on Scotland Lane to improve the road’s flood resilience, and the wall at the Hollway Road shops is finally being repaired.

I recently hosted a public meeting in Stockwood, attended by around 150 residents, to discuss the impact of future housing and transport projects on the ward: primarily the proposed South Bristol orbital ring road, connecting the A4 to the A37. There was a strong sense of feeling that the road would likely have a negative impact for Stockwood residents, as well as questions about the feasibility of the project and the likely route.

I am inviting the Metro Mayor Tim Bowles to Stockwood so residents can put to him their views, and I hope he will take on board these concerns. As leader of the West of England Combined Authority, the Metro Mayor has responsibility for strategic housing, transport and planning issues across local authority boundaries, so I believe it is only right that he should meet with residents. I will also extend this invitation to Mayor Marvin Rees – who recently attended a similar meeting in Whitchurch – and to the Leader of BANES Council, Cllr. Tim Warren, as much of the new housing and the road itself will be in BANES, not Bristol.


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